Our bike trip is not merely about numbers, however. What is significant about this adventure is everything that is immeasurable. The brainpower that went into curriculum, route, and food planning. The time we’ve spent together. The benefit our muscles received in the last 3 weeks. And all the laughs we’ve had that cannot be calculated. Most importantly, the lives that were inspired along our route, both by the physical demands of a 750- mile bike trip, and the environmental information shared at each stop.
As the 5th successful Sustainable Living Bike Tour comes to a close, we have to acknowledge how the previous years’ successes have supported this tour. We know that we inspire and touch many lives, whether students, parents,teachers, curious onlookers, or the cycling and environmental enthusiasts, as well as each other. It is moving to not only teach about the environment, but to also serve as an example and, essentially, bike the bike. We teach kids applicable and practical solutions to environmental problems and show them that we are living
Each year we see schools making progressively more environmentally responsible changes through gardens and composting, among other changes, and in the process taking pride in where they live. This change happens because schools are moved to action. Inspiration may not always be measureable, but it IS the reason that we keep on riding.
Through the rain, into the wind, up the mountains, we ride. And hope others will ‘ride’ with us with practical environmental solutions for their communities, for something that IS measureable.
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