Thursday, December 3, 2009

Santa Barbara!!

This morning the group converged from our scattered nighttime abodes (several of us were fortunate enough to stay with Danny’s Grandma as well as various other friends in Santa Barbara) at La Colina Junior High in Goleta. We taught Non- Point Source Pollution to the eighth grade class and were pleased that the students demonstrated high levels of eco-literacy and an in-depth understanding of their surrounding county.

Later in the afternoon we reconvened downtown at the Wheelhouse in Santa Barbara for the Bike Moves First Thursday event where the Sustainable Living Bike Tour was showcased. A slideshow was projected on the side of the bus while the inside was open for viewing and seafood watch cards, compost wheels, t-shirts, and sprouts were available for the taking. With the “fancy” theme in mind, we even dressed the part as well. The Isla Vista Food Co-op donated healthy snacks which were then made available to Bike Moves participants. Most importantly the event promoted bicycles as a healthy and fun choice for transportation. Santa Barbara is a great example of how a community can make it convenient to ride one’s bike with the many bike lanes throughout town and the accompanying bike friendly drivers. The attendees/bike riders concluded the Bike Moves event with a critical mass bike ride down State Street to the end of the peer and back, finally wrapping up a long day for the fifteen riders.

Miles traveled today:20
Number of flats: 1, Kamron
Written by 1st time bike-tripper: Kamron Sockolov

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