Saturday, November 8, 2014

Bike Tour 2013 Recap

As we gear up for the 2014 Bike Tour, let's take a look back and remember the highlights of last year's bike tour...

Our 2013 cycling adventure began by driving the bus--complete with gear, bikes and crew--from Los Angeles north to San Francisco.

Preparing for the journey in San Francisco

We then traveled to Humboldt County to do some volunteer work on a former CELPster’s ranch. The northern California climate was a welcome change. The ranch is located on the Mendocino/Humboldt County line--packed with lush Redwood forests, real RAIN, and a lovely spot on the Eel River.

The team warms up for some invasive plant removal and trail building

Our first day of riding, we cycled through Legget to ride through the epic Chandelier Tree, a Redwood that stands 315 feet tall and is approximately 2,400 years old.

We broadened our knowledge of permaculture while staying with amazing hosts at the magical Occidental Arts and Ecology Center.

Touring the garden at OAEC
The ride took us down some of the most pristine coastline and kelp forests along Highway 1.
Salt Point State Park 
The total distance ridden was about 300 miles.

Travis and Venisha were the Support and Gear Mavericks
We biked across the Golden Gate Bridge to complete the tour in San Francisco.

We're stoked to begin the 2014 Bike Tour on November 19th! Follow the team here for updates and photos as we ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles.

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