Sunday, November 23, 2014

Garden Work Day

Before leaving the Bay Area, we put in a solid afternoon of garden work at Sunset Elementary in San Francisco. Travis's sister, Kyla, is the Outdoor Science teacher there and has done amazing things in their garden space. We had a blast getting our hands dirty and hearing all the passing children shout "Miss Kyla!!" at the top of their lungs. 

Projects included:

Dead plant removal: before 
and after

Planting salad greens in a vacant garden bed: before

Pruning and adding a rock border: before


Inspirational greenhouse that we'd love in our garden...
Turtle preparing to build a new brick trail
Venisha and Turtle placing the bricks

Grayson smoothing the trail

Garden maintenance with Kyla

Grayson planting a native Elderberry

Becky Birthday weeding!
Paige weeding some beds

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